Saturday 9 May 2020

Psychedelic Sensory Deprivation and Fasting

The topic of psychedelic sensory deprivation is a crucial subfield of psychedelic studies. many of us take psychedelics at music festivals. this is often probably the utmost opposite of silent darkness: there's A level of stimulation not achieved in ordinary life. Sensory deprivation isn't just a way to potentiate the psychedelic experience; it's an efficient psychedelic method in and of itself.

I have been performing some intermittent dry fasting lately, and therefore the experience is unmistakably psychedelic. If anything comes on the brink of psychedelic substances within the ability to supply a psychedelic result, it's going to be dry fasting. in fact a spread of spiritual traditions believe fasting may be a religious experience that puts them during a better position to understand God. the thought that fasting may be a religious experience isn't new and therefore the idea of psychedelics causing a spiritual experience isn't new either. Furthermore, fasting may be a sort of sensory deprivation. you're depriving your taste sense of external stimulation. I even have even heard vaguely of individuals fasting while taking psychedelics to form their trip stronger.

There is something profound about having a delegated period of your time where you don’t put anything in your mouth. i noticed that I even have never taken an opportunity from oral consumption. this is often what fundamentally differentiates dry fasting from water fasting. the extent of abstinence is of a better order. Dry fasting runs counter to the mainstream 6 meals per day narrative. on the other hand again, so do psychedelics. The mainstream medical profession doesn't promote fasting or psychedelics. The mainstream medical profession has also been completely unable to unravel the obesity crisis or help most of the people that suffer from depression. we'd like to seem outside the mainstream for healing because the mainstream has completely did not deliver.

I find enjoy dry fasting for less than a couple of hours after waking. So if I sleep 8 hours and don’t eat or drink until 3 hours after awakening , this is often an 11 hour dry fast. once I break the fast I feel fantastic and that i have more energy throughout the day.

Sensory Deprivation / float tanks take the concept to an entire new level. While the subject of Psychedelic Sensory Deprivation employing a float tank is usually unchartered, this is often a match made in heaven. 5 grams during a sensory deprivation tank is that the new 5 grams in silent darkness.

Sensory deprivation is additionally an integral a part of creative expression. Anyone who is creative and produces art, music, etc. knows that creativity doesn't arise when it's drowned out by outside stimulation. You don’t write a book while blasting music or listing to YouTube videos mindlessly. As psychedelics are known to reinforce creativity, so is sensory deprivation. I consider “conducive to creative expression” an alternate definition of the word psychedelic. this is often another sense during which fasting and sensory deprivation generally are deserve being described by the term psychedelic.

One could argue that there are two ways to require psychedelics: in an environment of stimulation or in an environment of deprivation. There also are two ways to measure generally. you'll overstimulate yourself with external situation, otherwise you can withdraw and make an indoor environment where creativity can flow. there's a time and an area for both ways of living, but it's possible to be out of balance.

In a sense there are two sorts of people within the world: creators and consumers. Our society is characterized by rampant overconsumption, but behind every act of consumption is an act of creation. For you to consume, someone has got to create. For you to make , there must be someone to consume. there's a balance and lots of people are out of balance. this is often not about distinguishing between "good consumption" and "bad consumption". Even the foremost intelligent consumption remains consumption. The computer game addict and therefore the reader of classic novels are an equivalent during this respect: both are engaged in consumption. No amount of consumption automatically turns into creating.

I attempt to be conscious about my consumption and leave space for creativity to arise. this is often a zero sum game: the longer you spend consuming, the less you spend creating. Creative death isn't caused by a scarcity of ideas. Creative death is caused by creative energy being drowned out by constant overtimulation and entertainment. There are tons of individuals who might be creative geniuses, but they engage in consuming all day long and there's never space for creativity to arise.

Aldous Huxley thought the mind was fundamentally restrictive and psychedelics work by reducing the minds ability to effectively filter unnecessary information. Consuming similarly restricts consciousness. Creativity flows when consciousness is expanded. Psychedelics and sensory deprivation expand consciousness. in fact this is often an oversimplification; there are details that has got to be figured out . We must take care and intelligent in using these tools effectively.

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