Saturday 9 May 2020

Psychedelic" may be a Billion-Dollar Word

The marijuana industry within the USA is now worth billions of dollars. there's a growing movement to legalize psychedelics in some form or another. it's not clear exactly what the legal framework for psychedelics are going to be , but it seems inevitable that some kind of legalization will happen. this text is about the economics of the word “psychedelic”. i think psychedelic may be a uniquely valuable word from a business perspective.

The word psychedelic is exclusive . there's no word which will be used reliably in its place. The word hallucinogen is way less marketable and has far different connotations. this suggests there's tons useful packed into one word. This word essentially features a monopoly on its meaning.

Psychedelics are a broad category of drugs , unlike marijuana which may be a single plant. Psychedelics include LSD, DMT, psilocybin, mescaline, ayahuasca, ibogaine and more. In theory, an industry of psychedelics might be far larger than that of marijuana. Arguably, psychedelic may be a category which incorporates marijuana. this is often a press release I personally accept as true with .

Psychedelic has relevance to several fields of human endeavor like philosophy, art, music, fashion, culture, religion, sexuality, etc. there's no other word with such a lot diverse meaning and cultural relevance packed into one word. This word is effective because it's so all-encompassing. There are endless possibilities for creating businesses branded with the term psychedelic.

Psychedelic may be a popular and hip word. there's something about this word that everybody from hippies to academics is comfortable with. it's simultaneously casual and technical. You sound smart and you sound cool at an equivalent time. From a marketing perspective, this is often everything.

This is what makes psychedelic domain names so potentially valuable. Since a website can only be registered once, there's scarcity. name investors are always trying to find subsequent profitable niche. i'm shocked at how few domain investors even believe psychedelic domain names.

Amazon’s stock IPO was $18 per share. it's now $1787 per share as of scripting this . what's subsequent Amazon? What industry is little or nonexistent today that's likely to be worth billions within the future? To me the psychedelic industry is that the clear answer. people that find how to take a position in psychedelics very early may have an inexpensive chance of getting rich. there'll even be people that lose tons of cash , like anything. There are not any sure things in life, but if i'm getting to gamble, i will be able to place my money on psychedelics and therefore the word "psychedelic".

Read more blogs about Psychedelics Service visit at Psychedelics Online Store. 

Universities should offer Degrees in Psychedelic Studies

Psychedelic Studies should be a neighborhood of study in the least major universities. this is often a tutorial frontier that we've only begun to explore. Psychedelic studies may be a uniquely interconnected topic therein it brings together diverse areas of life and academia during a meaningful way. Psychedelics and psychedelicness are far too interesting to not have the simplest and brightest minds working during this area of study. Psychedelics are the longer term and if universities truly want to organize students for the longer term they ought to provide a chance to review a subject that has unparalleled potential for growth. Here are some questions a student in psychedelic studies could spend time researching and brooding about .

  • What are the philosophical implications of the psychedelic experience?
  • What is the neurobiological basis of the psychedelic experience?
  • What is the history of the psychedelics, and the way have psychedelics historically influenced different areas of human life?
  • What is the role of psychedelics in living a holistically healthy lifestyle?
  • How do shamans facilitate the psychedelic experience, and what are effective and ethical shamanic methods?
  • Who are important historical and contemporary figures in psychedelic culture?
  • What is the connection between psychedelics and religion?
  • What is the connection between psychedelics and eastern mysticism?
  • What is the influence of psychedelics on art and music?
  • What is the etymology and history of the word psychedelic?
  • What books are written about the psychedelics experience?
  • What are risks and possible negative effects of psychedelics? How can risks best be managed?
  • What is the character of entities encountered through psychedelics?
  • What is the character of the glossolalia experience?
  • What do psychedelics teach us about sexuality?
  • Can psychedelic states be achieved through nondrug means and to what extent?
  • What are the consequences of psychedelics combined with sensory deprivation?
  • What are the most experiential differences between different specific psychedelics?
  • How can psychedelics be wont to treat addiction and what's the right protocol?
  • How can psychedelics be wont to treat social anxiety?
  • How can psychedelics be wont to treat depression?
  • How do psychedelics change our understanding of mental illness?
  • How should psychedelics be used recreationally and what's the simplest practice? what's the foremost effective thanks to celebrate on psychedelics?
  • What differentiates recreational use of psychedelics from recreational use of more destructive drugs like opiates or cocaine?
  • How can psychedelics be abused or utilized in a destructive way?
  • How do psychedelics change our understanding of death?
  • What are political implications of psychedelic thinking?
  • What are the sociological implications of psychedelics?
  • Are psychedelics in the least relevant to fields like mathematics and theoretical physics?
  • Since psychedelics are so multi-disciplinary, can they assist us find connections between fields of study typically considered distinct but linked by psychedelics?
  • How can psychedelics be wont to benefit the whole world and not just people lucky enough to possess access to them?
  • How do psychedelics affect our relationship to nature?
  • What is the connection between schizophrenia and therefore the psychedelic experience?
  • What are the consequences of psychedelics on people with autism?
  • Is it possible to understand that somebody is on a selected psychedelic supported their mannerisms and energy? Can these physical signs be quantified and explained logically?
  • What is effective and ethical protocol for handling a nasty trip that's already in progress? How can we help someone having a terrifying experience?
  • How can we help people affect trauma from bad trips?
  • What differentiates bad trips which are useful and informative from those which are traumatic?
  • What are the economics of the psychedelic business? What investment opportunities are available?
  • What is the science of proper nutrition leading up to and through a psychedelic experience?
  • Which psychedelics are safe to mix , and which are not?
  • What are the consequences of mixing psychedelics with alcohol or other non-psychedelic drugs?
  • What are best practices for psychedelic microdosing? that sorts of activities is psychedelic microdosing practical?
  • Are there people that should never use psychedelics?
  • How does psychedelic use correlate with use of other non-psychedelic drugs? Does alcohol consumption decrease when psychedelic use increases?
  • Does gender or sexuality fundamentally change the character of the psychedelic experience? Is there a difference between what men typically experience on psychedelics and what women typically experience? How can we understand and characterize this difference?
  • What are differences between natural and artificial psychedelics?
  • Are non-classical hallucinogens like dissociatives(ketamine, pcp) and deliriants(datura) in any way psychedelic? How can we understand these drugs in reference to classical psychedelics?
  • Are plants sentient and do psychedelic experiences on plant-based psychedelics have any reference to the consciousness of the plant itself? In any sense, is that the psilocybin experience what it's wish to be a mushroom?
  • How can psychedelics be wont to enhance social dancing?
Read more blogs about Psychedelics Service visit at Psychedelics Online Store. 

Divine Psychedelic Royalty

I want to speak about the themes of royalty and luxury within the psychedelic experience, and specifically the mescaline experience. In Heaven and Hell, Huxley talks about how he thinks precious gems and metals like gold and silver are only attractive because they bear a “faint resemblance” to something far grander that's a part of the visionary experience. there's a stimulating contrast within psychedelic culture here between hippies who think capitalism should be denounced and Huxley who is stating that jewels and gold are the very epitome of the psychedelic experience. in fact there's a difference between gems and money, but the purpose is nonetheless not trivial.

When Psychonauts use religious language to explain psychedelic experiences, some could be skeptical. But the very fact is, surely experiences no other words feel appropriate or on the brink of sufficient. Once you've got the psychedelic religious experience, you'll not question this use of language. Similarly surely experiences only the language of luxury, royalty, kings, queens, gold, silver, rubies, sapphires has relevancy .

The human experience is fundamentally characterized by the will to realize pleasure and avoid pain. to interact during this dichotomy requires a way of what the last word standard for pleasure is. you've got a thought in your mind of the simplest possible scenario. within the same sense as “I think therefore I am”, your ability to imagine this scenario means you're wired to possess this ultimate experience. The notion of being a king or queen represents the last word standard for fulfillment , power and luxury. this is often highly representative of the last word standard for positive experience we all have.

If there's a king of a nation who lives a lifetime of complete power and luxury, we must distinguish between the social role of a king and therefore the experience of a king. there's an essence to being a King or Queen which is break away the social role of a King or Queen. The mescaline experience makes clear that being a King or Queen is fundamentally an experience of consciousness and how of watching the planet . within the same way that the “man within the sky” conception of God is insulting to true religious experience, the “brutal dictator” conception of King is insulting to a real experience of Divine Psychedelic Royalty. Any person can have the experience of being a King or Queen because fundamentally this is often an experience, not something concerning material possessions or power.

But we do need to give credit where credit is due: there's a component of being a dictator, of getting unlimited power and freedom and luxury, which may be a very illustrative and metaphorically useful way of understanding what a true King or Queen is. Precious gems are an honest way of comprehending psychedelic luxury, albeit within the words of Huxley they only “bear a faint resemblance to the glowing marvels seen with the inner eye of the visionary.”

I suffered from social anxiety for much of my life, and a visionary experience was the primary step toward healing. to possess social anxiety actually requires a good little bit of self-importance. you've got to think you're pretty important to worry such a lot about how you encounter . within the vision, this becomes clear and that i am a King who has just issued a decree condemning the structure of reality. The universe “has no gifts to bring” me and that i am unsatisfied. The theme of royalty is already apparent, but a recontextualization soon occurs which the small Drummer Boy on behalf of me may be a metaphor of. This song explains the recontextualization better than I can.

The universe, over which I rule, sings:

“I haven't any gift to bring

Pa rum pum pum pum”

As a ruthless king I prepare to place forth a harsh sentence upon the structure of reality. I even have nothing but hate for reality, and it's just stated that it's no gifts on behalf of me . Furthermore, reality is arrogant enough to sing this as if something to be pleased with .

“That's fit give our king

Pa rum pum pum pum”

The thing with recontextualization is, something originally and understandably interpreted as negative are often reframed as positive. i assumed the universe was telling me it had no gifts on behalf of me . In fact, it had been telling me it can’t imagine a present that's actually ok to be deserve giving me. Psychedelic healing doesn't change the facts. Psychedelic healing changes the context of the facts.

“Shall I play for you, pa rum pum pum pum

On my drum? (on my drum?)

On my drum?”

All this point , the universe was trying to play a song on behalf of me , but i used to be casting judgement upon it.

“Mary nodded, pa rum pum pum pum

The ox and lamb kept time, pa rum pum pum pum

(I played) I played my drum for Him, pa rum pum pum pum

(I played) I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum”

At now , the universe did play a song on behalf of me . The universe played the simplest song it can possibly play. At one point, I kept repeating the phrase in my head, “It’s literally made from pure fucking gold”. On earth precious metals are rare and structure but 1% of reality. this is often an honest metaphor for a way we feel about reality generally. we expect reality is usually bad and only alittle a part of it's good. You can’t condemn a part of "> a part of reality without condemning part of yourself. the belief is that reality is “literally made from pure fucking gold” and is entirely perfect.

The mescaline experience contrasts with the psilocybin experience in a crucial sense. The psilocybin experience is extremely nondual in order that dichotomies dissolve and subsided pronounced and relevant. With mescaline dichotomies become more pronounced and relevant. this is often why mescaline is deeply associated with sexuality; sexuality requires dichotomy. The notions of royalty and luxury require dichotomy; there must be some system of ranking for there to be a best choice . For being a King or Queen to be meaningful, there must be some opposite. the other , perhaps, is a few peasant who lives during a hut with no possessions. These are metaphors for a peasant may have an experience of psychedelic royalty and therefore the king of a nation could also be a psychedelic peasant. These social roles only bear a faint resemblance to the truth of inner experience and therefore the scope of what's possible. rather than condemning reality, we are condemning the condemning of reality. But truly, even condemning of reality is formed of gold.

The opposite of social anxiety isn't pretending to be normal to suit in or achieving some baseline level of social competence. the other of social anxiety is divine psychedelic royalty. i will be able to never hear this song stupidly about this experience.

The fundamental issue with the mainstream psychological state community is that it strives to assist below average people achieve a mean and baseline level of functionality. The goal is mediocrity. People don't even see psychological state professionals within the first place unless they're below average and need to become average. Setting average because the target is unmotivating and pathetic. Let's raise the bar and replace the goal of mediocrity with the goal of profound abundance beyond your wildest dreams. Let's make divine psychedelic royalty the new standard of the psychological state community. once you view yourself as a King or Queen, you do not accept average.

Read more blogs about Psychedelics Service visit at Psychedelics Online Store. 

Psychedelic Sensory Deprivation and Fasting

The topic of psychedelic sensory deprivation is a crucial subfield of psychedelic studies. many of us take psychedelics at music festivals. this is often probably the utmost opposite of silent darkness: there's A level of stimulation not achieved in ordinary life. Sensory deprivation isn't just a way to potentiate the psychedelic experience; it's an efficient psychedelic method in and of itself.

I have been performing some intermittent dry fasting lately, and therefore the experience is unmistakably psychedelic. If anything comes on the brink of psychedelic substances within the ability to supply a psychedelic result, it's going to be dry fasting. in fact a spread of spiritual traditions believe fasting may be a religious experience that puts them during a better position to understand God. the thought that fasting may be a religious experience isn't new and therefore the idea of psychedelics causing a spiritual experience isn't new either. Furthermore, fasting may be a sort of sensory deprivation. you're depriving your taste sense of external stimulation. I even have even heard vaguely of individuals fasting while taking psychedelics to form their trip stronger.

There is something profound about having a delegated period of your time where you don’t put anything in your mouth. i noticed that I even have never taken an opportunity from oral consumption. this is often what fundamentally differentiates dry fasting from water fasting. the extent of abstinence is of a better order. Dry fasting runs counter to the mainstream 6 meals per day narrative. on the other hand again, so do psychedelics. The mainstream medical profession doesn't promote fasting or psychedelics. The mainstream medical profession has also been completely unable to unravel the obesity crisis or help most of the people that suffer from depression. we'd like to seem outside the mainstream for healing because the mainstream has completely did not deliver.

I find enjoy dry fasting for less than a couple of hours after waking. So if I sleep 8 hours and don’t eat or drink until 3 hours after awakening , this is often an 11 hour dry fast. once I break the fast I feel fantastic and that i have more energy throughout the day.

Sensory Deprivation / float tanks take the concept to an entire new level. While the subject of Psychedelic Sensory Deprivation employing a float tank is usually unchartered, this is often a match made in heaven. 5 grams during a sensory deprivation tank is that the new 5 grams in silent darkness.

Sensory deprivation is additionally an integral a part of creative expression. Anyone who is creative and produces art, music, etc. knows that creativity doesn't arise when it's drowned out by outside stimulation. You don’t write a book while blasting music or listing to YouTube videos mindlessly. As psychedelics are known to reinforce creativity, so is sensory deprivation. I consider “conducive to creative expression” an alternate definition of the word psychedelic. this is often another sense during which fasting and sensory deprivation generally are deserve being described by the term psychedelic.

One could argue that there are two ways to require psychedelics: in an environment of stimulation or in an environment of deprivation. There also are two ways to measure generally. you'll overstimulate yourself with external situation, otherwise you can withdraw and make an indoor environment where creativity can flow. there's a time and an area for both ways of living, but it's possible to be out of balance.

In a sense there are two sorts of people within the world: creators and consumers. Our society is characterized by rampant overconsumption, but behind every act of consumption is an act of creation. For you to consume, someone has got to create. For you to make , there must be someone to consume. there's a balance and lots of people are out of balance. this is often not about distinguishing between "good consumption" and "bad consumption". Even the foremost intelligent consumption remains consumption. The computer game addict and therefore the reader of classic novels are an equivalent during this respect: both are engaged in consumption. No amount of consumption automatically turns into creating.

I attempt to be conscious about my consumption and leave space for creativity to arise. this is often a zero sum game: the longer you spend consuming, the less you spend creating. Creative death isn't caused by a scarcity of ideas. Creative death is caused by creative energy being drowned out by constant overtimulation and entertainment. There are tons of individuals who might be creative geniuses, but they engage in consuming all day long and there's never space for creativity to arise.

Aldous Huxley thought the mind was fundamentally restrictive and psychedelics work by reducing the minds ability to effectively filter unnecessary information. Consuming similarly restricts consciousness. Creativity flows when consciousness is expanded. Psychedelics and sensory deprivation expand consciousness. in fact this is often an oversimplification; there are details that has got to be figured out . We must take care and intelligent in using these tools effectively.

Read more blogs about Psychedelics at Psychedelics Online Store

Monday 4 May 2020

Psychedelic Drugs Just a Click Away Online

With a couple of drops of a liquid hallucinogen under his tongue and therefore the smell of incense within the air, Texas resident Frank Ramirez says he can transport himself to a special world. Eyes shut and legs crossed, he first feels warm and flushed. Then the push of the drug swirls into his head and, Ramirez says, he becomes "one with the space ," ready to see and talk with long-deceased relatives.

"Sometimes I cry or laugh," Ramirez says. "It's a spiritual trip. a quick glimpse into a gorgeous world we do not even know yet."

Ramirez is on drugs, but as a resident of Texas he's breaking no laws. He has been ingesting Mexican mint , a once-obscure member of the Labiatae that ascetic Central American shamans have used for hundreds of years . Now the herb is as easy to shop for on the web as a best-seller, and it's celebrated in countless YouTube videos starring dazed and confused-looking highschool and college-age kids. Traffic to sites that sell salvia and other drugs is increasing.

In this episode of Full nerd dlss non blurry Edition Half-Life

When it involves buying powerful mood-altering drugs online, salvia is simply the tip of the iceberg. At a time when authorities are cracking down on illegal sale of steroids and prescribed drugs online, substances like kratom and Mexican prickly poppy, which pack a psychedelic and narcotic-like punch, are flourishing on the web . Authorities are starting to note .

PC World purchased 19 supposedly psychoactive substances from a spread of online sources, then we asked researchers at the National Center for Natural Products Research (NCNPR) at the University of Mississippi to research the products we received and to elucidate the risks involved in taking them. Their verdict: Most of the substances--for the foremost part a spread of roots, mushrooms, and leaves from round the world--really can get you high. But some could also cause you to very sick or maybe kill you.

"With a number of these substances it's like playing Russian routlette together with your life," says Dr. Ikhlas Khan, assistant director of the NCNPR. "With others the danger is on par with smoking one [tobacco] ciagrette." It's impossible to understand the precise risk without asking a lab to check what you've got , he says, adding: "There may be a lot of misiniformation about these substances on the web and what their effects are on people who take them."

Psychedelics for sale

Not Your Father's vine Seeds

Determined teens and thrill-seekers of all ages have always experimented with legal ways to urge high--eating vine seeds, for instance , or smoking catnip. But experts say that the web has changed things: even as it's made other previously hard-to-find products more accessible, it's making substances formerly used only by obscure Amazon shamans easy to find out about, find, and buy.

Search for "salvia" on YouTube, and you will find many video testimonials from people that have taken the drug. Hands-on types can visit sites like NeuroSoup to look at step-by-step tutorials on the way to squeeze venom from Colorado River toads and extract from it a strong hallucinogen.

Can't find a Colorado River toad locally? Bouncing Bear Botanicals will sell you a live one for $150 or an "adult male and feminine pair" for $250.

The owner of Bouncing Bear Botanicals, Jon Sloan, says that sales at his site have grown considerably over the past year, but he declined to reveal specific sales figures. Other sites, including Shaman's Garden and Herbal Fire Botanicals, didn't answer our requests for comment.

Techniques wont to increase the potency of herbs have improved in recent years. Experts say that sellers have learned to isolate and amplify many of the psychoactive elements within present herbs, subsequently selling extracts of the substances at 10X or 30X the traditional potency. Salvia is sold in extracts at concentrations of up to 60X and kratom at concentrations of up to 30X. "This is not the stuff that youngsters were buying just years ago. these things has been engineered to deliver a way stronger high," says Dr. Howard Samuels, executive of the Wonderland Center, a drug rehabilitation center in l. a. .

Sloan says that the Internet's reach to places like Central America has also enabled indigenous tribes to travel online and sell their native herbs to distributors. "All of a sudden, with a second hand PC and dial-up Internet account, these isolated tribes have how to sell plants they need quick access to," Sloan says.

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Psychedelic" may be a Billion-Dollar Word

The marijuana industry within the USA is now worth billions of dollars. there's a growing movement to legalize psychedelics in some fo...